Our Services

Tricks Training Children's Dog Training Workshop Ellesborough Parish Hall

Children’s Trick Training Workshop.

Do you have a child in your family who loves to play with dogs?

Do you see them teaching the family dog how to roll over or give a ‘high five’?

Tricks Training could be just what your child (and dog) have been looking for. 

Teaching a dog a party trick is always fun, there is so much more that we can achieve though. Tricks training is an amazing way to help build confidence for both dog and child, as well as strengthening their very special bond. 

Each workshop will be an hour long with a maximum of 3 dogs/children/adults. Once your booking is confirmed, you will receive a questionnaire that will enable me to design a workshop that is personalised to each child and dog. 

You will also be invited into a private free Facebook group for all Cornerstone Canine Training students. Our community is all about you receiving ongoing support and training with live Zoom training sessions, so your training continues to grow. 

*Each child and dog are to be accompanied by one adult.

* If your dog can get worried or over – excited by other dogs, please do get in contact as we have plenty of space. I can advise whether this workshop will be suitable once we have had a chat. 

To find out more, please call or message me on 07796 905 766.

Skills For Life Class – ask for details for next class.

Do you share your life with a dog who struggles with any of these behaviours?

Over excitement – Barking – Jumping up – Anxiety – Recall – Noise reactivity – Easily distracted – Household manners – Separation Anxiety.

This 6 week course of classes will focus on the specific skills your dog needs to develop. Classes are kept to a maximum of 4 dogs each, so that I can support each dog and their owners to achieve their specific goals. 

Week four on the 17th March will be held online on Zoom. This gives us an incredible opportunity to dig deeper into looking at the behaviour side of your dog’s training. The dogs can happily snooze away while we all sit down with our favourite drinks for an hour talking together and learning how to bring the behaviour and training together.     

 Are you an owner who:

* Has an open, fun and flexible approach to life?

* Wants to understand your dog’s emotions and behaviours so they can live a happy and content life?

*Has a dream for what you want to achieve with your dog? 

If you have answered yes – then this is the class for you and your dog.

* You will learn how to understand and recognise your dog’s emotions and the driving force behind their behaviour choices. This is key to being able to get the results you want with their training.
* You will learn how your voice and body language influences your dog.
* You and your dog will gain the skills to turn their behaviour struggles into amazing new strengths. 

* You will gain the knowledge and confidence to spot new behaviour struggles that your dog may develop in the future and what to do to prevent them escalating. 

Once you are signed up for the class, you will be sent a behaviour questionnaire. This enables me to tailor the class to your specific needs. 

You will also be invited into a private Facebook group for all Cornerstone Canine Training students. Our community is all about you receiving ongoing support and training with monthly live Zoom training sessions, so your training continues to grow. 

After you have taken part in one of the group classes, you are also very welcome to book individual  top up 1-2-1 sessions.

If you would like to have a chat to find out more, I am very happy to talk on the phone, please call or message me on 07796 905 766.

Dog training class, review, testimonial

Recall Class  – ask for details on the next class.

It is so much more than a recall…

When you recall your dog, do you get a sense of dread hoping they will decide to come back? Do they suddenly forget who you are as they have found a new scent, or seen other dogs or people? Maybe something like a rabbit caught their eye and they have taken off? If your dog see’s the environment as more fun and interesting than you when you recall them, then we can change this. 

If your dog struggles with a recall, rather than teach them a command, we need to look at everything leading up to the moment the lead comes off. Have you ever noticed that in some circumstances your dog’s recall is good and  other times it is as if they have gone deaf? I will help you work through everything that leads up to achieving a fabulous recall. 

Is this the right class for your dog and you?

*Is your dog yet to learn a recall and you want to ensure you get it right?

*Does your dog have a fabulous recall, until they get distracted by something else and they suddenly forget you exist?

*Has your dog run off one too many times and you are now too nervous to let them off lead?

*Is your dog too excited around other dogs and you are worried about them accidentally overwhelming other dogs or people?

Are you an owner who:

*Has an open, fun and flexible approach to life?

*Is eager to seek solutions and learn new training skills?

*Wants to understand your dog’s emotions and behaviours?

*Wants to help your dog with their struggles? 

If you have answered yes – then this is the class for you and your dog. 

*You will learn how to understand and recognise your dog’s emotions and the driving force behind their behaviour choices. This is key to being able to get the results you want with their training. 

*You will learn how you can influence your dog through your voice and body language.

*You will learn the key skills needed so your dog starts to love a recall. Your dog will be focused and choosing you over all other distractions. Your walks will go from stressful to the fun and enjoyable walks you have always wanted. 

Classes are kept to a maximum of 4 dogs each, so that I can support each dog and owners to achieve their goals for the class. 

If you would like to have a chat to find out more, I am very happy to talk on the phone, please call or message me on 07796 905 766.

Mentoring You To Be Your Dog's Best Trainer.

1-2-1 Sessions
New Clients
Option 1.

In Person

3 x 75 minute sessions £225 (saving £15 over individual top up sessions). Sessions to take place 2 weeks apart. Please ask for mileage costs if more than 10 miles outside of Aylesbury.

The first session will take place in your home/garden to ensure you and your dog are comfortable in a safe environment with minimal distractions. 

Each dog is so individual so we may decide that the second or third session could be suitable in a quiet outdoor location. 

As I will be mentoring you to be your dog’s best trainer, my focus is to ensure you feel confident in carrying on your dog’s training in-between and after our sessions. I will show you how your dog’s training can easily intertwine into your daily life, with short 1-3 minute fun and flexible games.

A three step transformation plan will be left with you after the first session, alongside quick check-ins via text between sessions.

You will also be invited into a private Facebook group for all Cornerstone Canine Training students. Our community is all about you receiving ongoing support and training with monthly live Zoom training sessions, enabling your training to continues to flourish. 

Existing Clients
Option 1.

In Person Top Up Session

1 x 75 minute session £80. Please ask for mileage costs if more than 10 miles outside of Aylesbury.

These are available after your package of 3 sessions for when you wish to add even more skills with your dog training. 

Most 1-2-1 students love this option every 3-4 months as a way to build on their training. 

If you have taken part in the group classes, you are also very welcome to book top up 1-2-1 sessions. 

After you have had your initial package of three sessions, you are also more than welcome to book additional packages of three to receive your saving of £15. 

New Clients
Option 2.

Zoom Video Calls

3 x 75 minute sessions £225 (saving £15 over individual top up sessions). Sessions to take place 2 weeks apart. 

Zoom calls work exceptionally well as my main focus is to mentor you to be your dog’s best trainer, rather than me training your dog. You can have your dog in the room with you and I will demonstrate and talk you through the specific games that your dog will love. 

In the same way as the ‘in person’ sessions, I will ensure you feel confident in carrying on your dog’s training in-between and after our sessions. I will show you how your dog’s training can easily intertwine into your daily life, with short 1-3 minute fun and flexible games.

A three step transformation plan will be sent to you ready for the first session, alongside quick check-ins via text between sessions.

You will also be invited into a private Facebook group for all Cornerstone Canine Training students. Our community is all about you receiving ongoing support and training with monthly live Zoom training sessions, so your training continues to grow.

Existing Clients
Option 2.

Zoom Video Call Top Up Session

1 x 75 minute session £80. 

These are available after your package of 3 sessions for when you wish to add even more skills with your dog training. 

Most 1-2-1 students love this option every 3-4 months as a way to build on their training. 

If you have taken part in the group classes, you are also very welcome to book top up 1-2-1 sessions. 

After you have had your initial package of three sessions, you are also more than welcome to book additional packages of three to receive your saving of £15. 

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